When the new Vogue arrives...

Lying peacefully asleep in my bed this morning, I was woken abruptly by the noisy postman at my door. Seriously, it's the day after Halloween, some of us only got in at 3am - have more consideration!! I angrily hobbled out of bed to collect the post... and my bad mood lifted as I saw the thick shiny black parcel addressed to Miss Hannah Fuller.

The December issue of Vogue had arrived.

So, instead of stumbling back into my bed as I had planned, I got up, showered, made breakfast and sat with a cup of tea to delve into the latest issue of my bible. Flicking through the glossy adverts relieved my hangover head (slightly!) and I made a mental list of all the designer clothes I would buy (if I won the lottery!)

Something that caught my eye though, was the launch of their I-pad app. For the first time, you could now read the pages of Vogue onscreen, as opposed to flicking through a mag. They also feature videos of exclusive backstage footage from the photoshoots, and Ipad only content.

This would be a solution to stop me getting rudely awoken! But whilst the added features and contents would extend my Vogue pleasure, I don't think I like the idea of reading it on a computer.

You can't flick the pages. You can't smell the perfume samples. You can't rip out the outfits you like. It's just not the same.

So, whilst the idea of getting an I-pad for my Vogue fix did enter my head, it left just as quickly. And not just because me getting an I-pad is about as unlikely as me ending my Vogue subscription! Which is probably for the best....


P.S. Heres a pic of our halloween outfits....don't quite see the blue coloured body trend catching on!! Unfortunate, considering i cant get it away from under my nails and around my ankles!


  1. i agree, magazines are soo much better than just looking at the screen! tis exactly like online shopping!

  2. Love this! So true - the best part about magazines is flipping the pages!

  3. For exactly the same reasons, a second-hand, passed-on or library copy just does not provide the same experience of opening a brand new, crisp, untouched and unsullied copy!


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