Party and dress up times!
Apologies for the lack of recent posting - 3rd year at uni seems to involve a LOT more work!! Combined with birthday celebrations, Katy Perry concert (amazing, by the way!) and Halloween costume making, I've barely had a second to think, never mind blog :P

Anyway, last week was my friend Claire's birthday so, as per, we had one messy fashion management night out to celebrate. We ended up going to Aurum, where one of the girls (Kirsty) paid £100 to get a booth, complete with bottles of vodka, champagne, etc. Soooo lovely of her - was definitely the best night out I'd had in a while!
I wore my Tiger print bodycon from Topshop:
I went for minimal jewellery - it would of been too much with the high neckline and print of the dress. My tights were from H&M - excuse my knobbly knees in the photo. I was having a dilemma of going bare legged or tights, then I looked out at the rain.... it was decided! My shoes are from New Look - love a wedge heel!
Have a look at my friend Cici's blog to see what the other girls were wearing. Pretty girls in pretty dresses!
And, just for fun, here is my halloween outfit - a Dalmatian! I like to make my own fancy dress costumes, but this one was a bit of a nightmare. I ordered the fabric off ebay, thinking I would just sew it together when it came into a top and a skirt. Didn't occur to me I don't even own a needle and thread, let alone know how to sew! But with the help of some safety pins and staples, it seemed to be a success :D
Some other pretty impressive costumes.....

What about the rest of you, did you dress up?!
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